Round robin quantum timeslice new
Round robin quantum timeslice new

round robin quantum timeslice new

For the achieving high performance the response time will be small. In general the round robin made larger response time which is the drawback because system performance will be degraded. High Response Time Response time is the time from the submission of a request to the processor until the first response is made that means when the task is submitted until the first response is received. Context switch leads to the wastage of time, memory and leads to scheduler overhead. This action which is performed by the scheduler is known as context switch. When process implement completely the processor continue execution of resumed process. First of all the processor save the state of process and implements next running process. Context Switch When the time slice of the task finishes and the task is still executing on the processor the scheduler forcibly preempts the tasks on the processor and stores the task context in stack or registers and allots the processor to the next task in the ready queue.

round robin quantum timeslice new

Context switch and throughput are inversely proportional to each other. If the various context switches is low then the throughput will be high. If round robin is executed in circular way then more context switches occur so throughput will be low which leads to overall degradation of system performance. Low Throughput Throughput is explained as number of process completed per time unit. So, completing the process Round Robin Scheduling Algorithm produces higher average waiting time which is the main disadvantage. In round robin architecture the process spends the time in the ready queue for the waiting of processor for implementation is known as waiting time and the time the process completes. In this research I present a solution to the disadvantages of Round Robin Scheduling Algorithm by make the operating systems adjusting the process according to the burst time of the prevailed set of processes in the FIFO queue based on priority.Ĥ.2 Drawbacks of Round Robin Scheduling Algorithm Round Robin Scheduling Algorithm has many disadvantages are as following: A. If the time quantum is extremely small this causes too many context switches and lowers the CPU efficiency. At one extreme, if the time quantum is extremely large, cause less response time and it is similar to FCFS. The performance of the Round Robin Scheduling Algorithm relies on the size of the time quantum.

Round robin quantum timeslice new